Monday, April 14, 2014

Forever and Always

Don't worry eleanor isn't bad in this but Zayn is.Also this involves one scene of smut,and the reason why Zayn is bad is because he wants Louis to himself and Tries to sabotage Louis' wedding by kidnapping Harry.Also this has Niam in it(Only a little).

*At Larry's flat*

Louis:Who wants to play truth or dare?


Louis:Great,i'll go let's see *points at Niall*Truth or dare*

Niall:I'm not pooms so,lets go with dare.

Louis:*Evil smirks*Okay,kiss Liam.

Liam:*spits out his drink a little glaring at Louis cause he knows he loves Niall*What?!

Niall:Okay*Crawls up to Liam;cups his cheeks;kisses him*

Liam:*smiles into the kiss*

Harry:Well..someone is enjoying it.

Eleanor:*giggling*Sure does.

Louis:Okay guys thats enough.

Niall:*pulls away from Liam*

Liam:Louis I can't believe you just did that.

Louis:*Laughs*Sorry mate I had to,you guys just look cute when you're kissing each other.

Harry:I'm gonna admit you really do though,but not better than me and Louis of course.

Louis:You know it,babe.*smiles and pecks his lips*

Zayn:*groans;mumbles*I wish that was me...

Eleanor:*The only one that heard and notices it*Zayn can I talk to you real quick?

Zayn:I'm sure it can wait.

Liam:Well,we gotta go later guys.


Eleanor:I'm gonna go also.

Harry:Bye guys,bye Ellie.

Louis:Later.*They left*well its just us...

*Awkward silence*

Louis:Harry,wanna go upstairs and you know,do stuff?


Zayn:Oh yeah leave me here all alone.

Harry:Sorry zaynie,we just want some time alone *quickly hugs him and goes upstairs with Louis*

Zayn:*Mumbles*Ugh don't ever touch me.

*Next Morning*

Harry:*wakes up in Louis' arms;smiles*Hello their beautiful.

Louis:Hey,gorgeous.Wanna hang out with the lads today?

Harry:Sure,we seem to everyday anyway.

*With Niam,Zayn and Eleanor*

Eleanor:What you guys wanna do till "Larry"shows up?

Zayn:We can play would you rather?

Niall:Great idea.So Lili,would you rather be a prostitute or get hit with a meoteor?

Liam:Be a prostitute.


Liam:Well,for one thing I don't wanna DIE!

Zayn:*Laughs*I'd rather get hit with a emoter.

Liam:Shush,Zayn would you rather,hm let me see*smirks*Let me make this complicated,fuck Louis and eat is shit or fuck a rat?

Zayn:Fuck Louis and eat shit.

Niall:Ew,gross why fuck Louis.

Zayn:*mumbles quietly*He's hot and I like him.

Eleanor:*Heard him*Um Zayn can I talk to you for a sec since we didn't get a chance to yesterday?

Zayn*sighs*Sure.*goes upstairs*

Eleanor:I heard what you said.

Zayn:I have no idea what you're talking about...

Eleanor:Don't play dumb,I know you like Louis.

Zayn:Yeah,and so what.You gonna tell him?

Eleanor:No...But why keep it a secret.

Zayn:Cause he has a boyfriend he really loves,I could be so much better for him,I just need Harry out of the fucking picture.

Eleanor:That explains why you been acting kind of flirty with Louis and rude to Harry.

Zayn:Well,I don't like Harry he's just ruining things between me and Louis,I know we have a connection,I just need to help him see it.

Eleanor:Are you out of you're mind,don't talk like that Harry is you're best friend.

Zayn:Was my best friend

Eleanor:*scoffs*You've gone bloody mad.

Zayn:Look if you're gonna lecture me about shit then leave me alone,but I may need you're help.

Eleanor:Need my help for what *confused*

Zayn:Getting rid of Harry.

Eleanor:*Gonna trick and ruin him for what he is doing and sabotage his plan after he's done ;agrees*Fine i'll help you.

Zayn:*hugs her tightly*Thank you El.

*The doorbell went*

Liam:*opens the door and see's Larry*Hey mates come on in.

Louis:Wheres Ellie and Zayn.

Liam:Upstairs talking.

Harry:Tell them to come down.

Liam:*Yells*Eleanor, Zayn come down stairs.

Zayn:*goes downstairs*What?!


Harry:Guys we have some amazing news.


Harry*Holding Louis' hand in the park*Hey Boo you see that fountain over their.


Harry:Just keep looking.*Gets down on one knee and takes out a box*

Louis:Hazza I don--*See's Harry on one knee;gasps*

Harry:I've been in love with you since the first day we met,I love how we always have fun with each other kiss,cuddle,make're the most wonderful person i've ever met,you make me happy.You always make me feel right,you're beautiful and you've got a wonderful personality...Louis William Tomlinson,will you Marry me?

Louis:*In tears*Yes,yes I will marry you*Kissess him*

Harry:*kissess him back;after a fiew minutes pulls away and puts the ring on his finger*I love you..

Louis:I love you to.*Smiles*

*End of flashback*


Eleanor:OH MY GOD,i'm so happy for you*Then realizes about zayn*

Liam:Oh god,congrats guys

Niall;I knew this day would come *jumping up and down*

Zayn:*just standing their;holding in his anger*Yeah...congrats..

Harry:I'm finally marrying my baby *smiling at Louis and intertwines their fingers*

Louis:*smiles back at him*I love you..

Harry:I love you to.

Elenaor:*fake rolls eyes to play her role for zayn**Goes to him and whispers*I bet you're very pissed and you're gonna do something.

Zayn:*whispers*On they're wedding day i'm gonna kidnapp Harry and wait after 2 years try to get together with Louis and marry him*smirks*

Niall:Yay since theirs a wedding theirs gonna be food.

Liam:*rolls eyes*Oh niall.

Harry:We decided to have our wedding in a month *smiles*

Louis:Yeah,I mean we already booked a place now all we have to do is send invitations and decorate the place,but you guys know how my mum is she's gonna try to make it "Very spectacular".

Harry:*laughs*Thats what I love about you're mum.

*At night with Larry*

Louis:Why don't we have a little fun tonight*grins*

Harry:Okay..*pulls Louis close and smacks their lips together*

Louis:*kissess back putting his hands through Harry's curls*

Harry:*picks Louis' up and brings him upstairs to their room*

Louis:*raps his legs around him tight*

Harry*when they arrived put's him on the bed then rips of his and Louis' shirt*

Louis:*takes off his and Harry's jeans*Babe I want you to  enter me..please.

Harry:Okay*Takes off his and Louis' underwear*condom?

Louis:No*spreads his legs*

Harry:*enters Louis slowly;goes a soft and slow pace*

Louis:Ugh,faster haz p-please

Harry:*thrusting into Louis a little faster;moans*

Louis*moans as Harry goes faster*Right there...

Harry:*after a fiew minutes cums inside of Louis;moans*Uhh...*falls back on to the bed;crawls next to louis and cuddles him*That was amazing.

Louis:I know,I was their

Harry:*laughs then falls asleep with Louis in his arms*

Louis:*falls asleep as well*

*With Zeleanor*

Zayn:*Angry*I'm so angry,that bastard is marrying the person I love.

Eleanor:Well we have a month till the wedding,but are you sure about this cause he really loves Harry.

Zayn:*glares at her*Of course i'm sure and you're helping me...right?

Eleanor*Remembers what she's gonna do after his plan*Yeah,I am.

Zayn:So,we kidnapp Harry then when people think that Harry left Louis at the altar i comfort him,then in like a month or 2 you put him up to a blind date which is me and then in like a year or 2 I ask him to marry me,got it?

Eleanor:Yeah got it.

Zayn:Okay I gotta go later el*hugs her and leave*

Eleanor:Oh poor zayn,never mess with Larry,i'm gonna ruin you're plan and make them reunite for you're doing,it is not right to ruin a persons love life *smirks*

*A month later*

Zayn:*smirks then calls Harry*Yo mate where are you,you're gonna be late.

Harry:I'm outside one sec..*hangs up*

Zayn:*calls Eleanor*El get ready with the guys*grins*

Elenaor:Okay,we see him*hangs up*

*With Harry*

Harry:*gets out the car to enter the building*

*a group of guys come out of no where grabs Harry and covers his mouth*


*With the others*

Louis:why did he just leave me like that *crying*I thought he loved me..

Zayn:*smiles to himself and whispers*Just as planned now I have him to myself.*looks at louis*Louis its gonna be fine,screw him,he just made the stupidest mistake of his life*hugs Louis*

Louis:But why did he do this I thought he loved me *crying more*

Zayn:Its going to be alright,you can stay at my flat but right now,I have something to take care of.

Louis:Okay,hurry back*tears still streaming down his face*

*With Harry...Again*

Harry:*tied up in a basement trying to get free*Let me out...please*crying*

Eleanor:Sorry i'm afraid I can't do that.

Harry:Eleanor why.

Eleanor:Cause Louis is meant for another person that will love him forever.

Harry:Oh really,and who is that person?!

Zayn:*Enters the room*Me,I can do so much better than you,I love him so much I would do anything for him.

Harry*shocked* FUCKING BASTARD..I knew something was going on with were always being crusty around me and flirty with my boyfriend.

Zayn:Well he's about to have a new boyfriend*smiles*I'm gonna make him so happy that he will forget you,we will cuddle,kiss,have fun,fuck of course and other stuff.

Harry:*sturggling*Stay away from him.He loves me not you.

Zayn:Shut the fuck up,you're not gonna do anything,besides I can make him love me,I've had this plan for a month now and so far its going well *smirks*

Eleanor:Yeah and for you,we will keep you here for 2 years after they're wedding and then we will relocate you,where no one can find you and try not to contact Louis on this whole situation.

Harry:Eleanor please don't do this,what could he possibly be paying you for you to help him *pleading*

Eleanor:Thats none of you're business,Zayn can you leave us alone*grabs a knife*


Harry:*crying*Why are you doing this*

Eleanor:*waits till zayn fully goes upstairs*Look Harry,i'm gonna get you out of here in like a year or 2.

Harry:*confused*What are you talking about?

Eleanor:That whole month when Zayn was planning his attempt for him in Louis I had a plan to destroy it and Get you to Louis but it has to take a while so I can humiliate him and put him into prison for kidnapping.

Harry:You have to help me,you have to do you're plan I swear he's crazy,I want him to go to prison for trying to take away my baby.

Eleanor:*smiles*Thats my boy,and I hope you forgive me?

Harry:*smiles back*I do but make sure you're plan is successful.

Eleanor:*laughs*Don't worry it will be.

*2 weeks later*

Louis:Eleanor are you sure about setting me up to this blind date?

Eleanor:Yes i'm sure now go.

Louis:*sighs*Fine.*goes to the table she pointed at*

Zayn:*puts his menu down;smiles*Hello Louis.

Louis:*shocked that its zayn*I didn't know that you were gonna be my blind date.

Zayn:Well I always liked you but I never had a chance cause you were with that cunt and now I wanna be in his place *smiles*

Louis:I still love him but I don't get why he did this to me *his eyes get watery*

Zayn:Hey don't cry *holds onto Louis' hand*I will try and be better than that prick was,try and forget him.A new life awaits us *smiles*

*With Eleanor and Harry*

Eleanor:Everything is going good with the plan,but he has to try and purpose so after we can ruin his bloody wedding.

Harry:I know cause I miss my baby.Oh and thank you for helping me Ellie I really appreciate it.

Eleanor:Its okay Harry,he shouldn't have messed with a relation ship that piece of shit,I just went along because I want him to know what it feels like to be heart broken tied up and have a crashed wedding.

Harry:Well the best part is he doesn't even know its coming *smirks*

*2 years later*
*with Zouis in the park*

Zayn:Can yo believe its been 2 years since we've been together*interwines they're fingers*

Louis:Yeah,and i'm glad to be with you you've made me happy *smiles*

Zayn:I wanna do something you will never forget*gets down on one knee*I know you said that you would never get married again because of what happened with that cunt but i've been treating you nicely and I love you dearly to know not to do something very stupid,Louis William Tomlinson will you marry me?

Louis:Yes I will marry you*hugs him as he puts the ring on his finger*

Zayn:I gotta tell El,be right back.*walks away and calls Eleanor*Hello,yeah Ellie he said yes.

*With Eleanor and Harry*

Eleanor:*sighs*Okay,the plan is falling right into place Louis said yes to his purposal.

Harry:*A little hurt he said yes*Oh,okay.

Eleanor:*notices it*Don't worry you will get you're BooBear back we just need to wait a month more and he will be in you're arms just like that *snaps*

Harry:*sighs*I'm just happy that soon this is gonna be over and I can be free to hang with you all Zayn in prison and i'm with my baby again.

Eleanor:Speaking of baby I gotta go to mine he's taking me out today.

Harry:Okay,well later Ellie tell Ed I said hi.

Eleanor:Okay,bye.*hugs him*Don't worry Zayn will be stopped and everything will be how they are suppose to be *smiles*

Harry:Hopefully *chuckles*

*A month later at the wedding;with Liam Niall and Louis*

Niall:*pecks Liams lips*Have I ever told you that you're sexy?

Liam:Yeah,like a thousand times.

(Yes Niam is together)

Liam:*sits down and brings Niall on his lap*

Louis:*comes out*How do I look *twirls*

Liam:You look great *smiles*

Niall:What he said,now can we get on with the wedding so we can eat.

Louis:Okay but wait a little longer okay mini.

Niall:*pouts*Fine i'll wait.

*With Zayn and Eleanor*

Zayn:This day is finally happening *smiling very wide*

Eleanor:Yeah,me too i'm happy for you *smiles;but then fades*But we still need to get rid of Harry after.

Zayn:*smile fades also*I know I feel bad that I used him just to steal his fiancé...Nah no I don't *laughs*

Eleanor:*Fake laughs*Yeah,now go and get ready you're man is waiting for you.

Zayn:*Smiles wide again*Yeah,and thank you Ellie for helping *hugs her tightly*Bye I have a man to marry*leaves*

Eleanor:*After he leaves takes her phone out quickly to signal Harry to come out of his car*"Harry its about to start hurry."

Harry:*Texts back*:"I'm on my way"

*When the priest is doing the vows the big question comes of objection*

Priest:Does anyone object to the marriage between these 2 lovers?

Harry and Eleanor:I object!

Zayn:*turns around and sees Harry*How is this possible.

Harry:*smirks*Did you really think Eleanor was on you're side?

Eleanor:Aww poor Zaynie thought he could get away with his plan.

Zayn:You bitch I trusted you.

Louis:Okay i'm so confused right now whats going on?

Harry:Louis,look zayn kidnapped me so he can ruin our wedding and take you for himself,and while I was in a basement Eleanor had this plan that was going on for 2 years now and I went along with it,she really thought this through and now it looks like we're the ones thats gonna be happy and not him.

Louis:*looks at Zayn*Oh my god,you're crazy.This whole time you held him hostage and tried to make me forget about him so you can have me *Backs away*

*Everyone gasps*

Zayn:Louis please,don't listen to them I love you.We can be a family you don't need him.

Louis:*shakes his head*Stay away from me,I can't believe you would do this and he was you're best mate.*runs to Harry and hugs him*

Harry:*hugs him back*Zayn,you are a sick bastard that needs help,and where gonna make sure that you're stopped and you stay away from us.

Zayn:*Is very very angry*Shut the fuck up you bitch,you ruined everything,you will pay for this I will get you back and i'll make sure that time you won't be alive to be with you're lover.

Louis:Zayn just leave us alone,I can't believe I actually was about to Marry you,must be on some type of medication.

Zayn:Oh one day you will love me Louis and Harry won't be their and I will have the last laugh *cops come and take him away*

Louis:Turns to Harry*Why don't we have a proper wedding with the right people this time*smiles*

Harry:Yeah *kissess him*

*Everyone cheers*

                                                                        The End..Or is it!
Their will be a next part for Zayns revenge,till now goodbye and I hope that you all enjoyed the one shot I  love you all :)

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